traffic rate

[通信] 通信量速率



[通信] 通信量速率
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1·Rate scale to indicate traffic rate value.
2·This paper deals with traffic rate control problems of networks.
3·There are many traffic control schemes based on thresholds of buffer in ATM networks, which will be active to decrease the traffic rate according to the buffer occupancy.
AT M网中许多流量控制策略是基于缓冲区门限的,即根据缓冲区占有情况采取输入业务降速等控制。
4·For 2002-2007, the rate of death from road traffic injuries based on death registration data was about twice as high as the rate reported by the police.
5·I first put ads on the site in February 2005, and although the chart doesn't cover pre-February traffic growth, the growth rate was very similar before then.
6·Analysis: Review activity for frequency (the rate of mentions), the state of sentiment allocation, traffic, as well as the size of connections (friends, followers, fans, etc.).
7·Anecdotal evidence suggests that Egypt's high rate of traffic accidents, for instance, may be largely due to ignorance of basic rules.
8·At this rate, the number of cars in the city is expected to pass the 5m mark by February, while the average speed of the traffic slows ever closer to bicycle pace.
9·Shape: DataPower can delay traffic in an attempt to keep the transaction rate at the given threshold.
定形(Shape): DataPower可以延迟通信流量,以将事务保持在给定阈值。
10·It said there was "strong evidence" that exposure to traffic helped cause variations in heart rate and other heart ailments that result in deaths.
更新时间:2025-02-23 06:14